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17th South West Leeds Scout Headquarters,
Wesley Rd,
Leeds LS12 1SR
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News Archive:

Club Kyu Grading News - Successful Course and Grading with Sensei Mick Lowe - 20th February 2022
Excellent news all our Leeds Shotokan Karate Club students successfully passed their grading with Sensei Mick Lowe. The grading was held with the following clubs Rochdale JKA Karate Club and Rotherham JKA Karate Club at our Dojo. The following Leeds Shotokan Karate Club Students who passed their grading are:
Leigh Gill - 9th Kyu
Sam Thorton - 9th Kyu
Sonny Thorton - 9th Kyu
Mohammed Ali - 9th Kyu
Well done everyone.

Club Kyu Grading News - Sensei Mick Lowe - 20th February 2022
Excellent News that Leeds Shotokan Karate Club will be hosting a grading event this year on 20th February 2022. The grading will be held with Sensei Mick Lowe with the following clubs Rochdale JKA Karate Club and Rotherham JKA Karate Club.
Black and Brown Belt Training Starts from 10.00 am to 10.45 am
Kyu Grading Registration 10.45 am to 11.00 am
Kyu Grade Training 11.00 am to 11.45 am
Short Break 11.45 am to 12.00 pm
Kyu Grading starts at 12.00 pm
Grading Costs £25.00 includes training.
Training Costs £5.00 (None Graders).
The grading will be held at the following location:
17th South West Leeds Scout Headquarters,
Wesley Rd
LS12 1SR

Club News - COVID 19 Opening - 11th May 2021
Excellent News that Leeds Shotokan Karate Club will be finally OPENING again due to the next phase of the COVID 19 restrictions. Leeds Shotokan Karate Club will be opening the dojo on Tuesday 18th May 2021 at 7 PM. We hope to see new and old faces soon as possible. See you soon.
The current guidance coming in practices is:
As of May 17th 2021 - Training returns to normal. All COVID restrictions to training practice are removed and club members may enjoy a full range of training activity, including internal club competitions.
Training between clubs remains forbidden until Government give notice to end Social-distancing and lift travel restrictions.

Club News - COVID 19 - 24th March 2020
Please note that Leeds Shotokan Karate Club will be closed due to COVID 19 and government advice until further notices. Leeds Shotokan Karate Club will be opening the dojo as soon as it is safe to do so. Hope you and your family all stay safe and well.
Should you require information please visit the following weblink: https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus
Please Stay at Home to Protect the NHS and those who may be vulnerable to the virus. Thanks